Project success through people and communication
Flowe is an application that takes a pragmatic approach to core project disciplines, focusing on objectives, transparency, and engagement.
Sign up for a free account and try it out for yourself.

Effective communications lead to better outcomes
Flowe is an application that helps teams reach their objectives. Flowe will create transparency, increase team engagement & motivation, align communication to objectives and save time getting both important messages out and receiving feedback.
For your team
Projects and programs
With Flowe, project members and stakeholders will always have updated project status, and insight into core project disciplines.
Use Flowe to share status easily and dynamically, keeping project teams and stakeholders up to date, and getting valuable feedback anytime. Projects will be able to; manage risks and stakeholders, communicate masterplan development, identify and manage challenges in a timely manner, and save time creating status reports.
For the whole organization
Project portfolio management
Use Flowe to build a transparent overview of a project portfolio by linking projects and objectives in hierarchies. Project objectives status are automatically aggregated and shown on the project portfolio board.
From the project portfolio get status and insight for the portfolio and drill down to each project, give feedback and engage in discussions to identify root issues.
Portfolio managers can quickly create status reports and get statistics.
Sign up for a free account and try it out for yourself.
Flowe is designed for fast setup and ease of use, leaving you to focus on execution. It is built to support any team, project, or organization that believes communication is at the center of successful teamwork, and listening is crucial to making good decisions.
Project board or Project portfolio board
A single access controlled space for project objectives, project risk overview, stakeholders, masterplan, status reports and statistics
Project objectives
Define project objectives. Objectives can be access restricted and shared across several project board, and hierarchically connected
Simple and frequent status updates
Publish and share new objective status in minutes. Frequent status updates are more valuable than traditional long status reports.
Autogenerate project status reports
Status reports are generated based on information collection from a specified period. Customize and publish reports and receive feedback from project members and stakeholders.
Give and receive feedback
All project members can express their opinion through comments, likes and dislikes – also anonymously.
Statistics – Learn and adapt
Analysis of status and feedback can provide teams with trends and early warning signs; helping to identify potential issues before they become problems.
Project masterplan
A timeline for the project at a high level, outlining the main tracks and important milestones. The simplified format is Ideal for communication and facilitating discussions on timeline issues.
Project stakeholder management
A visual and interactive stakeholder map, allowing dynamic follow-up. The foundation for the projects’ change management strategy.
Project risk management
Risk analysis optimized for workshop settings. Focused on continuous risk identification, accountability, mitigation, and reporting.
Sign up for a free account and try it out for yourself.
Intuitive, team focused and secure
Flowe is designed for fast setup and ease of use, leaving you to focus on execution. It’s built to support any team, project or organization that believes communication is at the center of successful teamwork, and listening is crucial to making good decisions.
Fast setup and adoption
No training and no configuration required.
Learn and adapt
Analysis of feedback can provide teams with trends and early warning signs; helping to identify potential issues before they become problems.
Standard methodology
Based on industry standards for project management. Export to standard document formats.
Team focused
Consistency in communications
Objectives based communications keeps messaging consistent and focused on the most important issues.
Short and frequent status updates
Providing quick updates regularly is far more valuable than traditional long form status reporting.
Reliable & secure
Desktop, tablet or mobile
Flowe works seamlessly across all platforms and devices.
Access control
Control who can see and make updates to both cockpits and objectives.
Secure cloud hosting
Hosted through Amazon Web Services (AWS) in the EU.
Free to get started
Our free plan has all the features of the paid plan, only limited by the size of your team. Upgrade anytime and add an unlimited number of team members.
- Unlimited objectives, status updates, reports and newsletters.
- Max. 10 members per board.
- Unlimited objectives, status updates, reports and newsletters.
- Unlimited members per pro board.
- Unlimited boards, objectives, status updates, reports and newsletters.
- Unlimited members per board.
Sign up for a free account and try it out for yourself.